Star2billing have had an incredible 2011 which seems to have flown by. We have new products that have been released, existing products updated, and other products under development.

Newfies-Dialer Launched

Work began on Newfies-Dialer at the beginning of the year, a mass voice broadcasting and auto-dialer software used for emergency broadcasting, telemarketing and a range other applications.

Newfies-Dialer Dashboard

Newfies-Dialer Dashboard

We announced Newfies-Dialer in April, and after much development and testing, is ready for production. It is a well rounded product with a great deal of potential for all organisations and telecoms service providers that need to broadcast voice messages to a large number of people in a short space of time.

We have spent a lot of time on the documentation for developers and users alike, including a beginners guide so anyone can build a Newfies-Dialer system with our automated installation scripts and get involved.

CDR-Stats Updated

CDR-stats 1.4, the replacement for Asterisk-Stat used in FreePBX for CDR reporting, has been released, and again we provide installation scripts that have been tested on the major FreePBX based aggregations.

Daily CDR report

CDR-Stats - Call Statistics

The CDR-Stats tool is a useful addition to the IP-PBX systems integrator, as it allows provides detailed reporting on Call Data Records and Statistics for the end customer.

A2Billing Enhanced

A2Billing has also been updated, providing even more functionality, especially for DID resale. Updates have been made in respect of security and usability, and we would encourage anyone not using the latest version, currently 1.9.4, to upgrade.

A2Billing, VoIP Billing Software

A2Billing, VoIP Billing Software

New Development

We are still busy developing the next generation of A2Billing, as well as an SMS system designed for providing web based SMS messages to end customers and wholesale operations as well as adding new features and functionalities to Newfies-Dialer.

We are looking forward to 2012 and we would like to wish our customers and users, past present and future, the season’s greetings and a fantastic new year.


Areski, Joe, and the Star2Billing Team